What Is Pragmatic Existentialism?


This website is titled “Pragmatic Existentialism”. Pragmatic Existentialism is a term I coined to describe my philosophy and my approach to life and the world around us. It is a term I have been using with myself since at least the early 2000’s. (I’m tempted to say since the late 1990s since I think I coined the term in the summer of 1998, but I’m not sure if my memory is accurate on this.) There is a lot about my philosophy that I am trying to capture with the label Pragmatic Existentialism. It will probably take the rest of my life to fully explore and to explain (both to others and to myself). In reference to my ideas expressed in 1,000 Words I am working on a 1,000 word summary and a more extensive treatise, but in the mean time something is needed now. Here is my first attempt to very succintly describe in writing some of what I am trying to do. I expect that there will be further refinements over the years.

A Concise Definition of Pragmatic Existentialsim (August 1, 2024)

Pragmatic Existentialism deals with the reality of uncertain knowledge by taking a pragmatic approach to truth and an existentialist approach to life and committing to a purpose and an ethic that moves forward within that context.